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Flawed Bond
E.G.O. was not a concept that was fully understood yet, as far as everyone in the City was aware.
The sinners caught themselves in a pickle after Tree was tasked to wear the one for Porccubus, as the situation turned haywire quicker than expected.
Dante could not bear to feel the sensation of an exploding head any further.

LCB Manager
Yi Sang! Stop!
...To the point where Sinclair, who freaked out for every death, had enough of it too. He held Yi Sang back with all his strength, but he alone could not best the insanity.
The first sinner's withdrawals were getting the best of him.

Yi Sang
LCB Sinner
Unhand me...! None of you understand—None of you!
Very uncharacteristically, his voice raised and he scratched into Sinclair's arms in his struggle to reunite with his friend.

Yi Sang
LCB Sinner
Why must you separate us both?!

Yi Sang
LCB Sinner
Do you not see it? This ending joy seeps like honey-! More, you must allow it—

Emil Sinclair
LCB Sinner
No, Yi Sang! Listen to me!

Emil Sinclair
LCB Sinner
Tree...Tree wouldn't want you acting so careless! Not like this!

Emil Sinclair
LCB Sinner
He would want you to look after him normally! This isn't good for either of you!

LCB Sinner right...
Tree's voice was hoarse from a silent fatigue. Their body curled up, trapped in its own problems. This reassurance wasn't enough to sway the lover.

LCB Sinner
Oh, bloody hell!
Amongst the commotion, Heathcliff moved forward. While Sinclair continued holding Yi Sang back, he took the opportunity to run towards Tree.
With his bare hands, he grabbed onto the suit and violently pulled at it.
More and more, until the suit that felt impossible to remove was slowly torn off.

LCB Sinner
"Gh...! Yi Sang...Yi Sang!
Tree screamed as the process pained him more than it should. His own hands clawed in Heathcliff's aid.
Where some parts of the suit were forcibly removed, so came some patches of skin.

LCB Sinner
Gah, bollocks! He's bleedin' everywhere! Somebody get to it!
His screaming did not end. His pain and Yi Sang's were both under different problems.
Yet it was proof of a bond that felt unbreakable even in the sinners' eyes.